The Strategic Business Plan: knowing where you want to go as a company is paramount to success.

dv2116018 47After the Corporate Diagnostic Evaluation, I will write, edit, or expand your business plan as a road map that describes where you want to go as a company. I will work with your CPA or financial advisor to provide financial modeling and forecasting, in addition to writing the narrative portion of the plan.

  1. Executive Summary
    Clear, exciting, and effective as a stand-alone overview of the plan; includes brief description of each succeeding section of the plan; can be read in 5 minutes. Who is XYZ Company? What amount of money are we trying to raise? For what purpose and what return?
  2. Company Overview
    Presents a vision, history, current status, strategy, goals, mission and objectives for XYZ Company.
  3. Products or Services
    Describes the key features and benefits, current stage of development, proprietary position, and competitive advantages of XYZ’s products and services.
  4. Market and Competitive Analysis
    Presents the growth trends and key driving forces of XYZ’s industry; identifies the key characteristics and needs of the target market(s); assesses the competitive environment; demonstrates market acceptance for the product or service.
  5. Management Team
    Backgrounds and roles of key individuals; history and ability to work as an effective team; personnel needs; organizational structure.
  6. Operating Strategies
    Addresses the marketing, production, research and development, personnel, administrative, and financial strategies for the proposed firm.
  7. Critical Risks
    Realistically identifies the major internal and external critical risks that could threaten the business and presents viable contingency plans to address these issues.
  8. Cash Flow Statement
    Presents a realistic assessment of cash requirements —inflows and outflows— over a projected 5-year period; cash flows are consistent with operating and marketing strategies outlined in the body of the plan; cash flow information is detailed for first 2 years, quarterly/annually for years 3-5.
  9. Income Statement
    Demonstrates realistic and attractive income potential of the business; the income statement is consistent with the operating and marketing strategies outlined in the body of the plan; income statement information is detailed for first 2 years, quarterly/annually for years 3-5.
  10. Balance Sheet
    Presents a realistic assessment of the working capital and fixed asset requirements of the business; appropriately reflects the projected capital structure of the business — long term debt and equity positions; balance sheet information is projected annually for 5 years.
  11. Funds Required/Used
    Clear and concise presentation of amount, timing, type and use of funds required for venture.
  12. Offering
    Clearly articulates the proposal/terms to investors; identifies what entrepreneur is seeking from investors; states how much equity will be given up in return for investment capital; presents a realistic assessment of ROI potential; presents an appropriate deal structure and possible exit scenarios.

Steven B. Weintz, Founder & CEO
Phone: (843) 822-7664
